Enjoy guilt-free meals

Eating healthily and following a diet doesn’t have to be boring.

Stick to a goal-oriented diet plan to enjoy tasty recipes that help you achieve your health goals.

About us

Good health is essential for a fulfilling life. Prioritize it always - it's your greatest asset.

We help you develop healthy habits.

Lifestyle diseases are becoming increasingly common and affecting younger age groups. This has made people realize the importance of good health, and more and more individuals are looking to lead a healthy life.

However, many people are unsure where to begin. That’s where we come in.

We are Swasthyadiets, a team of expert and certified dietitians and nutritionists who can help you with all your health-related concerns by providing custom-made diet charts.

Our goal is to inspire healthy eating through information and consultation, whether you’re concerned about weight gain, weight loss or any other health issue.

Our team has been helping clients build health in sustainable ways and providing the best advice for them to achieve their desired goals.

Additionally, at Swasthyadiets, you can read our blog for tips on health, nutrition, and diet. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Our Programs And Services

We understand that everyone is unique and has their own needs and preferences when it comes to diet and nutrition. That’s why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our programs are designed to be suitable for everyone.

Checkout our programs below ideal for all – students, bachelors, working men and women.


Weight Loss

Every day, thousands of people, just like you, look for ways to lose weight online, such that the lost weight doesn't get back in a few weeks.

We help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way so that you don't have to worry about that fat again.

We do not believe in quick weight loss or taking supplements and pills to do so. But still, you'll be able to lose 2- 4 kgs every month in a very safe and sustainable manner.

We prescribe healthy diets that are sustainable which you can use for the long term and hence achieve permanent health benefits and lifestyle changes.


Weight Gain

Being too thin may not seem like a serious problem to most people, but the reality is that being underweight can also cause a lot of health problems.

Many people do not realize how difficult it is to gain weight. Putting on a few kilos can be a real struggle for many people.

This program is for all you people out there who are looking for options to put on some healthy weight in a sustainable manner.

We will help you add all those healthy calories in your diet and achieve your goals with our special weight gain program without increasing your diet expenses too much.


General Weight Maintenance

Being healthy should be a part of your overall lifestyle, and to lead a healthy lifestyle we need to include good nutrition in our diet.

When it comes to weight maintenance, you need to make some changes in your everyday life to maintain your current health, weight and muscle mass, while also reducing your risk of chronic diseases and long term illness.

This diet plan will help you include healthy eating into your lifestyle to keep you fit as you already are. We will prescribe to you healthy food items that you can include in your diet every week.


Medical Issues

We are what we eat.

If you are undergoing health problems of any sort, the first thing any doctor will tell you is to change your diet so that you can get appropriate nutrition.

If you are someone struggling with chronic lifestyle diseases such as Thyroid, PCOS/D, Cholesterol, Diabetes and Food Allergies, then this program is just what you need.

Based on your health condition, our diets will control the intake of what you should not eat, and include food items that you must eat.

Join hundreds
of healthy people

To date, I am please to say that I have lost weight and continue to lose more. I truly do not believe I would have learned everything I did and feel so good.
Very focussed and vast knowledge also diets are do able . Also in tune with the medical world our health problems and how to overcome it by having a healthy diet.
The Dietitians are extremely knowledgeable, excellent at communicating, and just plain fun to talk to. I've learned so much.
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